Trust Our Consulting Masters to Help You Become ISO Certified


ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is defined as the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Organizations use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.

The Advantages:

  • Better quality products and service
  • More reliable production scheduling and delivery
  • Position your business as an industry leader
  • Achieve certification under an international standard
  • Gain trust and get new business by showcasing to clients your compliance with ISO 9001
  • Increase in efficiency and productivity

Contact us regarding your ISO 9001 requirements and begin a culture of continuous improvement!

ISO 45001

ISO 45001, the new global standard for occupational health and safety, enables organizations to manage their own health and safety risks and improve performance and consistency.

By implementing the most up-to-date safety standard, your organization will be seen as an elite category of business and be internationally recognized. It is a level of excellence that is acknowledged worldwide and will set your business apart from your competitors.

The Advantages:  

  • Position your business as an industry leader in workplace health and safety
  • Ensure a safer workplace environment for all employees
  • Certification under an internationally recognized standard on top of your legal OHS obligations
  • Gain trust and get new business by showcasing to clients your compliance with ISO 45001
  • Win more tenders, grow in sales, and improve customer satisfaction
  • Reduce the cost of insurance premiums

Safety in the workplace and looking after employees are a No. 1 priority.


ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is the international standard that specifies requirements for an effective environmental management system (EMS). 

The Advantages:

  • Management of environmental risks
  • Compliance with individual countries’ environmental regulations
  • Demonstrates your commitment to improving the environment
  • Cost savings in waste, recycling, and consumption
  • Advantage over competitors when tendering for business
  • Shows you are a responsible future-focused organization

Environmental impact is very real, and we all need to do our part to protect our planet.

Integrated Management System

An Integrated Management System (IMS) will present your business as being triple certified to ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001. However, you can also just have two systems if preferred.

Companies that have an IMS demonstrate compliance with quality, safety, and the environment, and customers are able to engage with your business with peace of mind, knowing that the products and services received have been of the highest quality.

A combined system also opens up more doors with regard to responding to tenders and seeking new business. These accreditations already answer questions that no longer need to be asked. Opportunities will come knocking fast! 


Why not combine all three standards and be triple-certified? Potential clients will be impressed.

Give your business the best opportunity with a government-backed accreditation!

Internal Audit and Training

We offer an Internal Audit and Gap Analysis service. We plan, conduct, and manage the audits on your behalf by professional, experienced, and knowledgeable Lead Auditors. In-house or online training can also be provided for all managers and employees on how to look after your management systems moving forward. 

Although as tempting as accreditation may be, there is no obligation to get certified right away, and we always say it is sometimes always better to get a management system up and running, get used to it, make any changes required along the way, and then, when the business can see the benefits and is in a confident position, apply for an official certification audit by a 'Third Party' accreditation body.